Employers can access regular HMRC guidance in regards to employees payments and payroll issues. Released last month, the Employer Bulletin clarifies a number of aspects, from apprenticeship rates to useful tools. As we recently talked, in the digital era keeping informed and updated proves vital. Even more so, if you run a company hiring people, […]
Recently, a number of people received scamming phone calls from what appears to be a genuine HMRC number. The Government department warns members of the public about the scam. They assure potential victims HMRC will never call without warning to ask for money. Mainstream media, such as Sky News, reported last week on the recent […]
HMRC recently announced a record in penalties against companies who failed to pay minimum wage over the last year. With £15.6 million of underpayments, the Government fined employers £14 million in total. The numbers recently presented by HMRC might look shocking. When we compare them, we notice employers who underpaid their staff members did not […]
By September 30th 2018, landlords needed to declare any income earned from properties abroad. Mid-summer this year HMRC warned any such earnings from abroad, be it from renting or business, should be declared by the named date. Will you or your business be affected? And what else changed recently? Under the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), […]